Meet Our Team - We can help you!

Our team consists of highly competent experts who are genuinely dedicated to helping guide, educate, nurture, and empower our clients.

Working with us will provide you with the strategies and clarity to make informed decisions, saving you time, money, and stress.

Sherry is a registered Psychologist, educator, and mother of three who is passionately dedicated to uplifting the mental health and well-being of her clients at every stage of life. She excels at helping you develop an effective tool kit of strategies and coping skills, to help you through your life challenges, improve your communication skills and enhance family relationships.

Sherry particularly specialises in:

Child anxiety, building resilience, emotional regulation

Teens & Adult support

Family Relationships

Parenting help

Peri/Menopause support

Peri and Post Natal support


Susan is a lawyer who majored in psychology, counselling and coaching. She has worked for over 30 years with clients who are considering whether to stay or go, have already separated or are now divorced, to support and empower them to consider all the options and develop a plan going forward, which best supports their emotional, parenting, financial and post divorce needs.

Susan now specialises in Separation and Divorce Counselling and Coaching, assisting her clients with:

Separation & Divorce Counselling and Coaching

Parenting Assistance

Co-Parenting Support

Preparing Parenting Plans

Regaining confidence and rebuilding lives after divorce

Life Coaching - career, financial and confidence

Mark is a Counsellor who is works with

Mark specialises in:

Couple Counselling

Gambling Addiction

Managing big emotions - anger and frustrations

Building emotional resilience

Men's Support Programs

Individual counselling for stress and anxiety


Client Testimonials

Questions about our


Medicare rebate or private medical insurance claim for psychological services?

Most clients prefer to book directly with with our counsellors. No referral is required to access this counselling service. 

During the first session, you can discuss the benefits of seeking a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP should you wish to pursue this path moving forward and you are booking with a registered psychologist. If you require a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) you will need to make a long appointment with your GP and they will make an assessment about whether you are eligible.

All of our registered psychologists are registered with Medicare and you will need a referral from a GP if you wish to claim Medicare rebates. Under the Better Access program you can receive a partial rebate for up to 10 individual sessions in a calendar year.

All our psychologists are registered with private health insurance providers in Australia. If you have private health insurance, you may be eligible to claim rebates for psychological sessions. The level of cover and any applicable waiting periods vary between providers and depends on your extras cover policy. 

To find out if you are eligible and/or how much funding you are entitled to claim for psychological sessions, please contact your private health insurance.

Where applicable, some of our psychologists also see clients who are self-managed or plan-managed through NDIS at the current rate for NDIS.

Cancellation or missed sessions policy

Given the nature of our support services, last minute cancellations are costly, and it means that other clients may miss out on receiving the required support.  For cancellations within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment there is a $65 part fee payment. For less than 24 hours cancellation notice or a non-show, the full session fee will need to be charged. These fees are refunded however if the session can be filled at the last minute.

How are your counselling and coaching sessions held?

We know our clients are time poor. For your convenience, all our counselling or coaching sessions are now available online via Zoom.

You can book your appointment online via this website.

Zoom allows us to connect with you via video and audio. It just requires you to click on a link to join. You can sign up to Zoom to create a FREE account and download the Zoom Client for Meetings. Zoom does require internet connections.

After you book you will be sent a reminder about the booking and emailed a link to connect at the booked time. You are also likely to be sent a client information form to complete prior to your initial consultation to enable our Counsellors and Coaches to be better prepared for your first meeting.

If you are unable to make any of the dates available, please email us to see if we can accommodate an alternate time for you: [email protected]

If you live in Brisbane or the Gold Coast, Queensland, we are available for face to face consultations. Please email us at [email protected] if you would like to arrange an in person appointment.

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Are they gaslighting me?

October 03, 20245 min read


“That never happened. Have you taken your meds?”

“You’re crazy. That’s not what happened.”

“I only told you that you were fat because you I would hate you to let yourself go.”

“I never told you that.”

“You’re too sensitive. I was only joking.”

Are you often thinking your mind is playing tricks on you? Are you starting to question your own sanity or losing your memory? If any of the above statements sound familiar, you are likely the victim of gaslighting. It’s an emotional abuse tactic that can leave you unsure about yourself, others, and life in general. If you don’t address it, you can have long-lasting effects, emotionally and physically. Counselling can help you understand what you are experiencing, help you set boundaries and reach a decision about the relationship which feels right for you.

What is gaslighting?

Gaslighting is an actual, intentional, and serious form of emotional, psychological abuse. It is a psychological manipulation tactic someone uses to control and manipulate a victim by making them doubt their memories, perception of reality and judgments.

It can occur in romantic, platonic and family relationships – or even at work.

Often victims of gaslighting are not even aware that this is happening to them because it has been happening for so long, in a slow, covert fashion.

How Does It Begin?

A relationship with a gas lighter may seem to start out quite well. They may praise you, the victim, on a first date and very quickly confide in you. This is where the manipulation begins since, disclosure, before any real intimacy has been established, results in trust being quickly established. This tactic is known as ‘love bombing’. Once you become fully engaged with the gas lighter, you become vulnerable and then the next phase of manipulation often begins.


Do you recognise any of the following most common gaslighting techniques?

  • They blatantly lie to you with a straight face. The abuser blatantly and habitually lies to change your reality. Even when you know they are lying, they can convince you otherwise, which in turn makes you start second-guessing yourself. If you call them a liar they turn around and call you a liar or insist they lied for a good reason for example to protect your feelings or theirs.

  • They attack things important to you. They might criticize your job, make snide comments about you, your family or friends. These remarks are meant to make you feel insecure and inadequate.

  • They deny their bad behaviour – their lying, hurting your feelings, or doing anything wrong. They insist that you misunderstood them, that you’re remembering things incorrectly, or that you’re making things up to hurt them.

  • Their actions don’t match their words. They may insist they support you, but always criticise your choices.

  • They will target your insecurities to make you feel weak about yourself.

  • They spread rumours and speak poorly about you online or in face to face conversations. They will often portray themselves as the victims to others.

  • They can’t stand criticism themselves and will take it as a personal attack, no matter how respectfully you complain about their behaviour.

  • They project on you – for example the abuser is cheating. Instead of admitting to the affair, they’ll accuse you of being unfaithful. You end up having to defend yourself rather than seeing what they’ve been doing to you.

  • They manipulate your relationships, whether through isolation or through groupthink type behaviours. They will tell you that your family members don’t really love you and claim that they are liars. They may even try to convince everyone around you that you seem emotionally unstable or “crazy.”

  • They can confuse you with sudden kindness to distract you from their bad behaviour. One minute, they may cut you down and the next, they praise you.

  • They wear you down until you just give up – you stop arguing or defending yourself since you feel so defeated.


-        You constantly second guess yourself.

-        You wonder if you are just overly sensitive or too hormonal.

-        You create excuses for the gas lighters behaviour and their actions.

-        You stop trusting your own judgement and recollection of events, beliefs, and perspectives.

-        You start to wonder if you are losing your memory, regularly confused, or going ‘crazy.’


When you try to leave the gas lighting relationship, they may use the ‘hoovering’ tactic which involves excessive praise, expressions of love, showers of compliments and fervent promises of the ways in which they will make positive changes in the relationship. Unfortunately, it does not take long for old habits and behavioural patterns to resurface, once you commit to staying. Their goal is to always keep you locked in to their control.


If you identify with any of the signs, here are some tips to take back control of your life and your reality:

·     You need to stand firm and not let their denials cloud your thinking and actions.

·     Remember you are not responsible for someone else’s behaviour. It is not your fault.

·     Trust your own judgment and believe in yourself.

·     Acknowledge the feelings you are having are real.

·     Remind yourself that you deserve to be respected and supported by the people in your life.

·     If someone displays a pattern of behaviour, trust the pattern over anything that person says.

·     Don’t back down if you believe your criticism is fair, even if the gas lighter won’t change.

·     Set clear boundaries to protect yourself and expect them to be respected,

·     Document what is occurring so you can help track the reality.

·     Ask someone independent, with whom you are close and who you trust, if they think you are being manipulated by the abuser.

·     Realise you will never win an argument with this person or get any apology.

·     Limit contact with the gas lighter. Consider ending or pulling back from the relationship if you want to, especially if the gas lighter refuses to change their behaviour.

If, despite attempts to move towards a healthier relationship, you still feel blocked in implementing these strategies, then please reach out to our trained team of psychologists and counsellors who can help you plan and strategise to move forward positively. Furthermore, if you feel unsafe because of someone’s controlling behaviour, seek assistance from the police or call 000 if it is an emergency.


gaslightinggaslighting supportcounselling supportFamily law supportAbuse
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